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Year #8 and an update on Amy

2023 has thrown us some curve balls for sure. In 2023 we've been though quite a bit. In January I had radiation on a lung nodule and lymph node that couldn't be taken surgical due to location. In February I had my 6th lung surgery for a small spot that was easy to get at. Soon after I started having bone pain and did radiation on bone bets for on my knee, hip and now another spot on my shoulder is increasing in pain.

The bone mets came out of left field but we really weren't prepared for the brain mets as well. I found myself without an appetite, sleepy all the time and just not myself (which I didn't realize at all when it started to get really bad - thankful for my village to realize they needed to intervene.) A brain scan showed I had two large tumors on the right side causing a large amount of swelling in the whole brain. They kept me at the Brigham for a week to get the swelling down before they could surgically remove the 2 large tumors (successfully) There were other small ones too but those would be done with radiation post surgery which I have also completed - but unfortunately am losing my hair because of it. The combover is working for now :) So now here we are and I've restarted chemo to hopefully help keep things quiet.

When you make a gift to my Walk, you’re directly supporting Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s COLORECTAL CANCER DEPARTMENT & MY ONCOLOGIST NADINE JACKSON MCCLEARY'S RESEARCH & AMAZING WORK. Thank you for supporting my Jimmy Fund Walk fundraising efforts. We are always better together.

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